Geoside's governance system, in line with the Italgas Group, aims to create value for its shareholders

Il rispetto dei principi di tutela dell'ambiente, della salute e sicurezza delle persone, della tutela dei lavoratori e del rispetto delle diversità costituiscono ulteriori aspetti centrali del sistema di governance che persegue anche la tutela degli interessi delle comunità locali nei territori in cui opera.

Noi di Geoside siamo dotati di uno Statuto Sociale che definisce il modello di governance della società e le principali regole di funzionamento degli organi sociali.


We adopt the Italgas Group's Code of Ethics.
The Code of Ethics, approved by a resolution of the Board of Directors of Italgas S.p.A on April 16, 2018, represents the system of values placed at the basis of the group's ethical culture and brings together the set of values that the Company recognizes, accepts and shares and the responsibilities it assumes towards the inside and outside of its organization.
The values set forth in the Code define a shared value system that expresses Italgas' corporate ethical culture, which must inspire strategic thinking and the conduct of corporate activities.


We have equipped ourselves with an organization, management and control model (Model 231) that aims to prevent crimes committed in the interest or to the benefit of the company.
On December 9, 2019, we approved for the first time the Organization, Management and Control Model and established the related Supervisory Board: a support tool and a central element of the Code of Ethics, intended for members of the corporate bodies, management and employees of Italgas, as well as all those who work to achieve the objectives of the Company.

We, Geoside, have adopted our model of organization, management and control based on the peculiarities of our business reality, however, having as a point of reference the principles of Italgas' Model 231 and taking into account the indications and implementation methods provided by the Group according to its organizational and operational structure.


Geoside's Supervisory Board oversees the effectiveness and adequacy of Model 231, reports on its implementation, approves the annual program of supervisory activities, and reports on the outcome of activities carried out in the exercise of assigned duties.

Geoside Supervisory Board

Largo Regio Parco, 11 10153 - Turin (TO)

Seaside adopts the Italgas Group's Procedure for Handling Reports, which defines a process of information flows for receiving, analyzing and determining action on alleged irregularities.

The communication channels for reporting are as follows:

  • Regular mail: Italgas S.p.a., Internal Audit, Via Carlo Bo 11, 20143 Milan (MI)
  • Electronic mail:

Online, through the Italgas Group's Reporting Form.


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