ISO 50001:2018 is a voluntary international standard developed by ISO and intended for all types of companies

Based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, ISO 50001 establishes a set of requirements for the implementation of energy policies with practical objectives, such as taking measures to reduce and control energy consumption, verify savings and plan improvement actions on an ongoing basis.

Certification makes it possible to:

  • Analyse energy consumption.

  • Improve performance.
  • Promote better behaviour practices.
  • Reduce greenhouse gas and carbon emissions, optimising environmental performance within legal limits.

We support our customers in the implementation and maintenance phases of an energy management system (EMS) that is based on the guidelines provided in ISO 50001 and therefore certifiable.


We also offer companies targeted support for management of heat and electrical installations.  

The Heat Management service includes all those activities relating to the management, operation and maintenance (routine and extraordinary) of air conditioning systems.

On the other hand, the electrical installation management service includes the operation and maintenance of installations, verification of their regulatory compliance and bringing them up to standard. 

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